Friday, January 11, 2013

Alan Clendenin Fined by the FEC

We've blogged before on how Alan Clendenin is in the pocket of Big Sugar: the number one killer of the Florida Everglades and an enemy of environmental causes across our state. Clendenin's Big Sugar backers have also been linked to a series of anti-hispanic and anti-semitic attacks which are disgusting to us TRUE Progressives.

Why Clendenin's group, the Committee for A Better Tampa, would take money from Big Sugar since they were behind these disgusting racial attacks is beyond us. But now it turns out that Clendenin couldn't even manage to file his campaign finance reports on time and was fined by the FEC. You can see the FEC fine letter Clendenin received from the state online here.

Now in fairness, Clendenin didn't miss the FEC's deadline by very much and didn't have to pay too high of a fine, but still. One of the most important jobs of the Chair will be to make sure that the Party follows the rules of the FEC. Otherwise there's nothing to stop the Florida Democratic Party from going to through it's own Jim Greer-esque type scandal, which the Republicans are dealing with.

The fact that Clendenin couldn't even manage to handle the finances and reporting of his small political committee certainly raises questions about whether he is even capable enough to handle the complex finances of a large institution like the party.

Or for that matter, who would give any money to the party if Clendenin was in charge.