We all know the type. They're the ones who show up once in awhile to our local Democratic Club meetings and tell us what we're all doing wrong. But when it comes to making phone calls to undecided voters or knocking on doors, they are nowhere to be found.
As TRUE progressives who been working at the grassroots level for Democrats, we know that dealing with these people is usually just a waste of time: they are never going to do any of the hard work to elect TRUE Progressive Democrats.
Which brings us to the Political Hurricane Blog. The authors of the blog, Kartik Krishnayer and Dave Trotter, have spent a lot of time tearing down Democrats and throwing mud in the FDP Chair Race. It's seems Alan Clendenin is behind this garbage, or at at least he hasn't spoken up against it.
Dave Trotter and Kartik Krishnayer have also been giving plenty of political advice. So let's take a look at whether these two really know what they are talking about. Here's how they describe themselves IN THEIR OWN WORDS from the comments section of their blog.
"Though I have not worked in politics for over six years and have a career today in a specialized industry far flung from these battles." Kartik Krishnayer.
"And, like Kartik, I have not been heavily involved in Democratic politics in Florida for a number of years." Dave Trotter.
"But in 2000, I had other employment priorities, as I currently do today (which has nothing to do with politics whatsoever, but instead music production." Dave Trotter.
"CD 18: Does Allen West Have A Point." Kartik Krishnaiyer.These two love making noise and talking about themselves, but when it comes to doing actual work or trying to make Florida a better place, to quote Dave Trotter, they "have not been heavily involved in Democratic politics in Florida for a number of years."
As TRUE Progressives, we should be evaluating the candidates for FDP Chair based on their commitment to progressive ideas and policies. That's why Alan Clendenin's history of taking thousands from Big Sugar (the number one enemy of our state's environment and a destroyer of the everglades which has also been linked to anti-hispanic and anti-semitic campaigns) is so disgusting.
Even the bloggers over at the Political Hurricane know how dirty Clendenin's Big Sugar backers are. Or at least they should. Back in July Kartik Krishnaiyer wrote a post called "Florida Democrats Addiction to Sugar Money." Here's what he said.
"No industry has done more damage to the fragile Everglades system than big sugar. Runoff from sugar has caused many of the problems the Everglades now faces."
"When the influence of one industry trumps the greater good as it has for years, Democrats have to think twice about whether this money is worth taking."
"It is disappointing to see so many progressives not understand the importance of protecting the Everglades and restoring Florida’s ecosystem to something bordering on sustainable- something it is not right now."After writing stuff like that, you'd think that the Political Hurricane would be all over Clendenin once it was revealed that he's taken thousand from Big Sugar. In their words, "no industry has done more damage to the fragile Everglades system than big sugar."
But no, Dave Trotter and Kartik Krishnaiyer keep defending their man and attacking other Democrats, because they don't really care about the fight for TRUE Progressive ideas, they just want to sling mud and make a lot of noise.
So should we TRUE Progressive Democrats take political advice from these two? Not a chance.